Sunday, December 20, 2015

Where is television going in the future? (Final Article)

We have gone from an era where television networks dictated what, when and how we watched television, to a time where consumers are firmly in control. In today’s era, consumers are completely in control as to what they want to watch. If one company doesn’t meet their expectations, they’ll click, tap and search until they find a company that will. There are many trends that are currently shaping the future of television. Storytelling will become a future trend that will evolve to make better use of a multichannel- platform environment. Currently 72% consumer’s value streaming video sources, while only 58% value cable and satellite TV.  This shows a decreasing amount of the physical television being watch, as well as the emerging possibility of the future of television.

Advertisers will have to rethink their 30 second spotlight. DVR is a current trend that is taking over television network. Viewers aren’t watching commercials as frequently as they were before. So instead, networks must find a different way to reach audiences, whether through interactive commercial pieces, second-screen mobile content or in-show product placement. From experience, DVR is a trend that isn’t going anywhere any time soon. When people have busy schedules they usually record their favorite show to skip pass all the advertisement.

Another trend that is currently dictating the future for television is social media. Social media spoil the entertainment television brings, but engage the audience. Social media is a platform many viewers use as an easy way to voice their opinion about the shows they watch. In turn, executives connect more with their audience. Networks now utilize hash tags to generate conversation before, during and post airtime.  With the ability to connect with other fans via social media, viewers simply can't help themselves. While spoilers have always existed, these new platforms, as well as on-demand services that support binge-watching, multiply their occurrence. Shows like Empire, Orange is the new black, How to get away with murder, scandal etc… are all current trend that has dominated the television industry.

Television in the future will be so rationalized, that it will be programmed to know exactly what the viewers want to watch before you do. You won’t have to spend all your time browsing through channels to find what you want to watch. Television would have an idea of what shows you enjoy watching and program it automatically for you.

Television in the future will be commercial free. Commercials will finally die. “The same technology that delivers personalized content to viewers could also help internet TV service providers select more targeted ads to show their users.” ( Viewers will begin to see fewer ads and advertisers will finally have a platform to reach the relevant audience. As of right now many viewers are complaining that there are more commercials then the actually television show they are hoping to see. An hour long television show is really between 43-45 minutes, 15 minutes being advertisement. So with all of this taken into consideration, in the future this problem will now be accepted by all.
Television would be viewed more than just a television screen; it would begin to be more interactive with an opportunity for us to choose what we want with our fingers, rather than a remote. Our television will now be voice activated, with the opportunity to say what show we want to watch rather than using a remote. No remote control will be required in the future.

Instead of using a television remote that has a limited number of buttons, viewers will communicate with their viewing devices using natural language and hand gestures, and access their viewing content using assisted devices such as Smartphone and tablets. Television will look a lot more like the app world of mobile, choosing how we engage with the shows we want on the interactive screen.  
Television in the future has a possibility to be organized by subject, making it easier for the consumer to choose from. This is already changing when you look at Comcast cable. “Comcast has a new cable box that people don’t actually want to throw out the window. Its web-based interface lets you easily search for movies, when you want to watch a movie (a long overdue and welcome change to all.)

When talking about the future of where television is going, One may also want to view television as a personal subscription in the near future. In this current time television is currently sold to households, but personal subscription service could suggest a way for television to be sold to individuals. It could resemble a cell phone service plan, with discount for families, or think of it as a gym membership where a person pays a onetime fee but have certain restriction and responsibilities. Selling individuals TV subscription allow the ability for more flexible pricing and greater personalization.

One will also have the ability buy screens in the future, rather than television sets.  Television screen will appear on many devices such as, mirrors, wallpapers etc... Viewing devices will become thinner and larger (whole wall possible), have higher definition, provide 3D (without glasses), and even display holograms. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Profile Story

Shamaica smith                                                                                   News Writing
December 4, 2015                                                                               Profile Story

There are many people in this world that doesn't get the opportunity to show who they really are because their biggest fear is being prejudged or judged by people who knows nothing about them. One of the many reasons I chose to interview my sister is because she has a personality that is unseen and not understood by many. She may comes off aggressive too many, but one may not know the real reason behind her being so aggressive.

When I asked her to explain her childhood she said as a child she liked to “explore” she like to make mistakes on her. Cristal 23 “As a child I like to explore and learn things on my own, I’m still like this today because I feel as though people only tell me when they think I’m making a mistake, because they had a negative outcome in that particular situation. I rather learn on my own because a negative outcome for someone else can be a positive outcome for me. Even if the outcome turns out negative for me, I would rather try and learn from that experience rather than not trying at all’. Cristal also admits that she can be very stubborn at times.

The quiet setting made her feel at comfort, just by her body language but her face expression looked as though something was bothering her, as if she was worried. But then I reflect back and thought to myself, she may be fearful of the unknown questions that might come her way. Being in her shoes having a guard up all the time and not allowing others in can be quite an apprehensive feeling. Not being used to someone asking about you and how you feel in certain situations can take a toll on the way you distinguish your answers. That’s what happens during this interview.

When asked about the most difficult moment in her life she described the date, setting etc… “The most difficult time in my life was when I moved to Arizona, October 30, 2014; it was the day before Halloween. When asked why would that be the most difficult moment in her life, if moving somewhere new can be viewed as a new chapter she responded by saying “at the time me and my boyfriend had a vision that we were going to move to Arizona, I was going to finish school and pursue a career and everything will be okay but when arriving things became a little hectic and toxic in our relationship shifting things left, but in the end we got it together”. A sound of guilt was in her voice, but also a facial expression of unhappiness.

After that negative question, I decided to turn it into a positive question to lighten up the mood. I then asked her what was her happiest moment, which so happen to be one of my happiest moment as well. When she gave birth to my nephew recently October 29, 2015. She further explained that giving birth to her son made her view things in a different aspect and made her realize she isn’t living for herself anymore, she in now living for her son.
            We then continued on the conversation, in this question, one may begin to see her personality. When asked what is the most important lesson she learned in her life, she responded by saying “Say what you mean, and mean what you say”, Further elaborating she continue on by saying people’s action are truer than their words. She feels as though all her life she’s been leaning on to people’s word’s rather than their action. “People’s action would show you what you mean to them. I realize I should take someone action into consideration first rather than their words because it can lead to a disappointment and a promise is a comfort to a fool”.
            The interview started becoming a little bit more emotional, when asked is there anything she would like to tell her family in the past generation if they were to hear this interview today. A lot of emotions were in her answer when she replied by saying “Honestly I would like to tell them that they are a lot stronger than I am today, and she believe she is strong today after everything she been through because of them. “Right now I have it better then they had it back in the days and if I’m strong now with everything that I have and they were strong back then with little to nothing, they are definitely stronger than me”.
            There were many questions during this interview that made me realize more about my sister I never knew in the first place. Reflecting back I feel as though certain situations I would of handle differently just so she can be happy. She ended off the interview by saying a quote that made me think “A good attitude will determine your altitude, for the little you have be happy and grateful, don’t look at the big things others have because you never know what they been through to get it.”

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Opinion Article 2 (Death Penalty)

Shamaica Smith                                                                                 Opinion Article
November 20, 2015                                                                          COM 3200-01

What if you found out a loved one very close to you was in an abusive relationship for years, and finally when he/she reacts, they react in so much anger and ends up murdering their spouse? Do they have the right to be given the death penalty? The Death Penalty is a cruel act that needs to stay abolished. Instead of decreasing murder, it’s actually increasing murder. Watching someone gets tortured in a slow and painful procedure is definitely a cruel punishment. Not only is it cruel punishment, it’s a violation to our rights as U.S Citizen, and to the 8th amendment.
             Execution is actually less disciplinary than life without parole. Prison life is already hard enough; not being able to have freedom is hard enough. The government can be hypocritical in a way. Although the “murderer” took an innocent life, is it okay for the government to violate the 8th amendment and take that person’s life? This is known for the “eye for eye theory or the tooth- for tooth. If we were suppose to think like this, or use this system there would be no need for laws. The system way of thinking of this situation is basically saying if someone hits you, hit them back. This type of solution doesn’t reach a verdict and only makes matters worse.
            There are many reasons one might be against the death penalty. The wrongful execution of an innocent person is an injustice that can never be rectify. Many family members who have lost loved ones to murder feel that the death penalty will not heal their wounds nor will it end their pain, they would much rather know the person has life without parole. The situation which makes death penalty a cruel act is death penalty is applied at random. The death penalty is a lethal lottery: of the 22,000 homicides committed every year approximately 100 people or less are sentenced to death. How could a lottery determine if one lives or dies?
The death penalty can stay abolish by starting with us. We can first educate people who don’t know about the death penalty then we can contact our elected officials and let them know how you feel. There are many states that are without the death penalty because their voice was heard. They did something to stop a cruel act. This plan will work because your letting the people who are in charge know how you feel, and you are standing up for your rights, as well as making society a better place. The national coalition is an organization that is against the death penalty, you can join that movement, participate in rallied, write letters to editor.  Simply being a voice against the death penalty in the community can help the abolishment of the death penalty completely. If we stand up for our rights, we would no longer worry about another person’s life being taken away by the department of justice.

Opinion Article (Student Debt)

Shamaica smith                                                                                   COM 3200-01
November 17, 2015                                                                            Opinion Article

Just imagine spending years in college with high hope of finally succeeding... But when you've finally succeeded, something is holding you back from pursuing what you've been waiting so long for ..., that something is student debt! With increased costs in higher education and lower public investments, tuitions and fees increase; students rely on loans; as debt increases. College degree has long been viewed as the way out of poverty. A low-income individual without a college degree will very likely remain in the lower part of their earnings distribution, whereas a low income individual with a college degree could just as easily land in any income, including the highest. Many parents believe going to college is a norm in society to success. Many individuals go to college as a way to move up in their social class. In society as of right now, individuals are definitely being convinced to take out loans. Society have many believing that if they don't go to college they will amount to nothing and live in poverty because that's what everyone is telling them, but yet it costs $20K/year to attend college, which they can't afford. These students then turn to student loans with the idea of sure I can pay for college with student loans, I would not have to pay back anything until I graduate. But overall, they do not think of the aftermath.

   Some parents/student take out student loans because of the benefits they hope to receive once the student obtain their degree. While, some students and parents don’t believe in taking out student loan to fund their education, but with the cost of tuition increasing every year, it’s almost impossible not to take out loans to fund your education. Personally when it comes to student loans, I have mix opinion on this subject. There are advantages and disadvantages.  For my first two years in college my parents haven’t taken out any loans for me, until this year, I definitely would need to take out student loans up until I graduate. Although, I generally believe learning should never be cease, the system can be unfair. The entire student loan system can and should be rationalized and improved.

Many individuals take out student loans and end up in student debt, but when they finally receive their degree, it’s no job to be found. So these individuals basically spent many years in college, taken out student loans when needed, ends up with a lot of debts with no job to repay these debt, when most of these debts are triple the amount of the original debt the student first took out. Many of the student loans are held by individuals who left college before graduation, meaning they have incurred “debt without diploma.” Some students/parents are ultimately grateful for their debt because it took them places, and made the impossible possible. As of right now in society, the value produced by higher education has become disconnected from the rising cost of tuition.

A fair policy needs to be put in place upon taking out student loan, to ensure an individual would not end up in an exceed amount of debt. If a student take out loans, but completes college and doesn’t land a job, it should be a program where their loans are forgivable after 2 years. In my opinion, they showed enough motivation by going to college and taking the first step by completing college. If they find a job before two years, they should be responsible to repay back their loans. If a student do finish school, with a stable job, there should also be a policy put into place to accommodate the student income. This way, the student will have the ability to pay off their loans within a given reasonable time, but also would not be in a serious amount of debt. It's unfair when a policy is implemented wherein if you don't pay off your debt within a certain amount of time, an increase is added to your original debt.
Another policy that could be implemented is the increase access to need- based student aid. Since college tuition is gradually increasing, they should increase financial aid as well (Pell, Tap, Scholarships etc...) A Financial aid policy should ensure that students from all backgrounds can get a college education without taking on overwhelming debt or excessive outside work that reduces the odds of completing their degree. Truly supporting college success requires more need-based grant aid that helps limit how much students need to borrow and work while in school, and a financial aid process that is a gateway to success rather than an obstacle. Improvement in the availability and accuracy of information about financial assistance options needs to be put in place and fully understood. Loan companies should also ensure access to flexible, affordable repayment options, which are negotiable.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Two weekly articles

Friday, November 6, 2015

Featured Article

 Shamaica Smith                                                                                   News Writing
October 30, 2015                                                                                Featured writing article

Think for one second about losing someone you’ve loved your whole entire life, you couldn’t imagine life without them. Until you have no other choice, but to lose that person due to cancer. Losing a loved one to cancer can be a difficult and painful time. I know because Cancer is a common disease that is genetically inherited in my family. Having twin cousins losing their mother at the age of 14 has really affected their emotions and view on life.
 Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. There are many causes that prohibit cancer, but one may not think of the pain and suffering it leaves those behind, due to losing someone over cancer.
Did you know over 1 million family suffers from the result of a loved one affected by cancer? A cancer diagnose changes your life and the lives of people who love you. At the age of 14, my twin cousins lost their mother, my first aunt, due to pancreatic cancer. The pain she was going through was unbearable, but the result of her death was even more intolerable.
“I didn’t know how I was going to live my life without the only person I looked too for guidance as to how I should live my life” said Raneil, 21. “It’s devastating to have to take on adult responsibilities at the age of 14.”
 Figuring out what’s for dinner or what your plans are for the weekend is suddenly less important. Family and personal values are questioned and priorities are tested and changed.
 I remember when my aunt was down to her last days; my twin cousins couldn’t hold their emotions together. They didn’t know what they were going to do, how they were going to live.
At the age of 14, your thinking about graduating high school, peer pressures you’re facing to fit in with society, prom etc.. Losing the only person you know to financially depend on for moral and physical support is the last thing on your mind.
When a parent has cancer, the impact on the child typically varies according to their age and gender, say Bruce E. Compas, PhD, professor of psychology and human development and professor of pediatrics at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville, Tenn. Compas found that teenager, especially adolescent girls, experienced the greatest distress.
During their mother last days, I realized my twin cousins would miss meals frequently. This resulted in them losing excessive weight. This was a sign of depression, which could later turn into something even more serious.  Depression lowers a person’s quality of life, undermining their emotional and physical strength.
“The best way to deal with the after effect is to communicate, ask questions, and understand the person behavior” Shaneil, 21. Expect shifts in one’s behavior as they adjust to the changes resulting from your cancer diagnosis and treatment. Younger children may become overly clingy or impulsive. Meanwhile, older children or teenagers may become angry or distant and withdraw from family activities.
When my Aunt found out she was diagnosed with cancer, my twin cousins quickly became distant. She was now coping with guilt. She was now feeling guilty over a situation she had no control over.
It is important for someone who is going through the after affect of losing someone due to cancer, to talk about their feelings and what they’re experiencing. If one cannot talk to someone close to them, they should consider talking to someone other than close relatives or friends, or even talking to a counselor or engaging with a support group would provide a brighter light on the situation. Speaking to someone who has had a similar experience to you may be helpful.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Three Featured Articles


