We have gone from an
era where television networks dictated what, when and how we watched television,
to a time where consumers are firmly in control. In today’s era, consumers are
completely in control as to what they want to watch. If one company doesn’t meet
their expectations, they’ll click, tap and search until they find a company
that will. There are many trends that are currently shaping the future of
television. Storytelling will become a future trend that will evolve to make
better use of a multichannel- platform environment. Currently 72% consumer’s value
streaming video sources, while only 58% value cable and satellite TV. This shows a decreasing amount of the physical
television being watch, as well as the emerging possibility of the future of
Advertisers will have to rethink their 30 second spotlight. DVR
is a current trend that is taking over television network. Viewers aren’t
watching commercials as frequently as they were before. So instead, networks
must find a different way to reach audiences, whether through interactive
commercial pieces, second-screen mobile content or in-show product placement. From experience, DVR is a trend that isn’t going
anywhere any time soon. When people have busy schedules they usually record
their favorite show to skip pass all the advertisement.
Another trend that is currently dictating the future for
television is social media. Social media spoil the entertainment television
brings, but engage the audience. Social media is a platform many viewers use as
an easy way to voice their opinion about the shows they watch. In turn,
executives connect more with their audience. Networks now utilize hash tags to
generate conversation before, during and post airtime. With the
ability to connect with other fans via social media, viewers simply can't help
themselves. While spoilers have always existed, these new platforms, as well as
on-demand services that support binge-watching, multiply their occurrence.
Shows like Empire, Orange is the new black, How to get away with murder,
scandal etc… are all current trend that has dominated the television industry.
Television in the future will be so
rationalized, that it will be programmed to know exactly what the viewers want
to watch before you do. You won’t have to spend all your time browsing through
channels to find what you want to watch. Television would have an idea of what
shows you enjoy watching and program it automatically for you.
Television in the future will be
commercial free. Commercials will finally die. “The same technology that delivers personalized content to
viewers could also help internet TV service providers select more targeted ads
to show their users.” (http://www.wired.com/2014/05/neil-hunt/). Viewers will begin to see fewer ads and advertisers
will finally have a platform to reach the relevant audience. As of right now
many viewers are complaining that there are more commercials then the actually
television show they are hoping to see. An hour long television show is really
between 43-45 minutes, 15 minutes being advertisement. So with all of this
taken into consideration, in the future this problem will now be accepted by
Television would be viewed
more than just a television screen; it would begin to be more interactive with
an opportunity for us to choose what we want with our fingers, rather than a
remote. Our television will now be voice activated, with the opportunity to say
what show we want to watch rather than using a remote. No remote control will
be required in the future.
Instead of using a
television remote that has a limited number of buttons, viewers will
communicate with their viewing devices using natural language and hand
gestures, and access their viewing content using assisted devices such as Smartphone
and tablets. Television will look a lot more like the app world of mobile,
choosing how we engage with the shows we want on the interactive screen.
Television in the
future has a possibility to be organized by subject, making it easier for the
consumer to choose from. This is already changing when you look at Comcast
cable. “Comcast has a new cable box that people don’t actually want to throw
out the window. Its web-based interface lets you easily search for movies, when
you want to watch a movie (a long overdue and welcome change to all.)
When talking about the future of where television is going, One
may also want to view television as a personal subscription in the near future.
In this current time television is currently sold to households, but personal
subscription service could suggest a way for television to be sold to
individuals. It could resemble a cell phone service plan, with discount for
families, or think of it as a gym membership where a person pays a onetime fee
but have certain restriction and responsibilities. Selling individuals TV
subscription allow the ability for more flexible pricing and greater
One will also have the ability buy screens in the future, rather
than television sets. Television screen
will appear on many devices such as, mirrors, wallpapers etc... Viewing devices
will become thinner and larger (whole wall possible), have higher definition,
provide 3D (without glasses), and even display holograms.
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