Shamaica smith News
December 4, 2015 Profile
There are many people in this world that doesn't get the
opportunity to show who they really are because their biggest fear is being
prejudged or judged by people who knows nothing about them. One of the many
reasons I chose to interview my sister is because she has a personality that is
unseen and not understood by many. She may comes off aggressive too many, but
one may not know the real reason behind her being so aggressive.
When I asked her to explain her childhood she said as a child
she liked to “explore” she like to make mistakes on her. Cristal 23 “As a child
I like to explore and learn things on my own, I’m still like this today because
I feel as though people only tell me when they think I’m making a mistake,
because they had a negative outcome in that particular situation. I rather
learn on my own because a negative outcome for someone else can be a positive
outcome for me. Even if the outcome turns out negative for me, I would rather
try and learn from that experience rather than not trying at all’. Cristal
also admits that she can be very stubborn at times.
The quiet setting made her feel at comfort, just by her body
language but her face expression looked as though something was bothering her,
as if she was worried. But then I reflect back and thought to myself, she may
be fearful of the unknown questions that might come her way. Being in her shoes
having a guard up all the time and not allowing others in can be quite an apprehensive
feeling. Not being used to someone asking about you and how you feel in certain
situations can take a toll on the way you distinguish your answers. That’s what
happens during this interview.
When asked about the most difficult moment in her life she described
the date, setting etc… “The most difficult time in my life was when I moved to Arizona,
October 30, 2014; it was the day before Halloween. When asked why would that be
the most difficult moment in her life, if moving somewhere new can be viewed as
a new chapter she responded by saying “at the time me and my boyfriend had a
vision that we were going to move to Arizona, I was going to finish school and
pursue a career and everything will be okay but when arriving things became a
little hectic and toxic in our relationship shifting things left, but in the
end we got it together”. A sound of guilt was in her voice, but also a facial
expression of unhappiness.
After that negative question, I decided to turn it into a
positive question to lighten up the mood. I then asked her what was her
happiest moment, which so happen to be one of my happiest moment as well. When she
gave birth to my nephew recently October 29, 2015. She further explained that
giving birth to her son made her view things in a different aspect and made her
realize she isn’t living for herself anymore, she in now living for her son.
then continued on the conversation, in this question, one may begin to see her
personality. When asked what is the most important lesson she learned in her
life, she responded by saying “Say what you mean, and mean what you say”,
Further elaborating she continue on by saying people’s action are truer than
their words. She feels as though all her life she’s been leaning on to people’s
word’s rather than their action. “People’s action would show you what you mean
to them. I realize I should take someone action into consideration first rather
than their words because it can lead to a disappointment and a promise is a
comfort to a fool”.
interview started becoming a little bit more emotional, when asked is there
anything she would like to tell her family in the past generation if they were
to hear this interview today. A lot of emotions were in her answer when she
replied by saying “Honestly I would like to tell them that they are a lot stronger
than I am today, and she believe she is strong today after everything she been
through because of them. “Right now I have it better then they had it back in
the days and if I’m strong now with everything that I have and they were strong
back then with little to nothing, they are definitely stronger than me”.
were many questions during this interview that made me realize more about my
sister I never knew in the first place. Reflecting back I feel as though certain
situations I would of handle differently just so she can be happy. She ended
off the interview by saying a quote that made me think “A good attitude will
determine your altitude, for the little you have be happy and grateful, don’t look
at the big things others have because you never know what they been through to
get it.”
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